Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Watch that Ball Roll!

As of Tuesday, I have two more projects for Capstone. Two more snake books! I'm excited, they are really neat animals to research.

I did a little count, and discovered that with the four snake books and the Tarot book, I am going to be published 5 times in 2011. Probably not a staggering number for someone like Stephen King, but I'm awed and grateful.

In other news, I've reluctantly decided to submit Once Bitten for the Golden Hearts award. I've decided I've gotten too much out of the habit of novel writing/submitting/looking for an agent, etc. I love the kids' books, and so far nonfiction has been very good to me, but I do like my big, long, epic stories. We'll see how Golden Hearts goes.

In other, other news, my wonderful teacher Lyda pointed me in the direction of her tax person. Apparently, I am now a small business, and need to start running this writing thing that way. That's almost more frightening than the Golden Hearts contest.

Still, I am excited to see what the future brings.

Here's hoping for more opportunities to come!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Pre-Order, Anyone?

That's right, it's official. You can actually pre-order Psychic Tarot on (as well as and and some websites I haven't even heard of .com and, of course, on - right from the publisher), but there is just something so enchanting about seeing yourself on I dunno what it is. Oh wait, yes I do. It's that sometimes I have to go there just to remind myself hey-you're really a writer. That's your job.

Stock Cars is also out and looking fabulous! Capstone does such a nice job and I love doing the Hi-Lo books. I just think if one kid decides reading isn't so bad because there's a book out there that doesn't intimidate him/her or talk down to him/her, it could lead to so many other great big wonderful and imaginative worlds that they might just get up the courage to explore.

In other news, I am wrapping up Black Mambas and Boa Constrictors (which I am sure will also look so completely awesome!).

My Uncle Mick's book (that I was completely psyched he let me pre-read and help edit!) also just came out - Riding the White Line: Pedestrian Crossings. I think he ultimately envisions a three-book series, and I really can't wait. He met the neatest people on his charity rides, and I think it's such a lovely book. I just checked - and it's also available on!

The History of Hastings Family Service book will also be out soon (I'm helping with the editing a little). That one's also in its final stages, and is fascinating reading. I have mad deep respect to Chris Koop and Lew Linde for gathering all that information together and making it into a truly enjoyable read. I don't know how they plan to distribute it, but I really hope it does well. It's informative and uplifting and really reflects the giving spirit of our community.

In other, other news, I think some of you may recall that I used to be a novelist. I know, hard to remember back that far, huh? Well, I've finally decided to get off my duffer and work the contests/agents gamut again. As exciting and unexpected as the nonfiction market has been for me, I would like to try to get a novel published. Especially since I happen to have one or two done, taking up space on my laptop - like 35-year-old jobless children still living at home. That's really how it feels sometimes. You catch the file out of the corner of your eye while you're looking for something else, frown a little, and say, "Shouldn't you be working?"

To that end, the infamous Once Bitten is being submitted for the Golden Hearts award. I'm keeping an open mind. The vampire wave in adult fiction as crested, the tide has gone back out, that sea is dead, whatever you'd like to call it. But, I still have this novel loafing around, eating my Doritos and leaving the toilet seat up. Get a job, you lazy bum!

And, of course, I am still poking at the old projects and starting some new ones (which, I have discovered, I've been doing since I was, oh, ten. I have files and files of dot matrix printer paper filled with one- to five-page bits and pieces and odds and ends down in the basement. When I look at them, I either wonder what I was thinking or why I didn't continue).

I am just so excited about Psychic Tarot! I know it's going to be such a wonderful resource for so many people. It may be one of the most important projects I have ever or will ever be involved with and I am just still so happy Nancy asked me to do it with her.

I have to go look at again. :)


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blog and Run!

Whew! Things have gotten a little hectic lately (I'm so busy I can't blog. Isn't that a bummer). I just wanted to drop in and say that Stock Cars is out in print and Psychic Tarot comes out this February. Nance and I are still deciding whether or not to make a promotional appearance at Readers Studio this coming year.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

And the Cover is...

Speaking of covers, I saw finally posted the cover for Stock Cars. I think it looks lovely.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic Father's Day! Happy Father's Day to my dad in Germany.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's a Bird! It's s Plane! It's Another Two Books!

I'm turning out to be quite the sporatic blogger, but don't think that means I've been idle! Quite the opposite. The more I blog, the more time I have on my hands.

Which is why this blog is going to be short, sweet, and to the point. I got another two books thrown my way from Capstone (about snakes, which I think is just delightful. They're fascinating creatures).

And, as you can see, the cover art is done for Psychic Tarot. I LOOOOVE it! I was told enough taking writing classes that as an author, you have no control over the cover, so don't get attached. So I tried very hard not to be attached, even braced myself for something I would hate, but would grit my teeth and smile over at book signings anyway. But this cover is just beautiful, and Nancy loves it, too, which is the important thing. I want this deck. I want this deck for my collecction.

Must be dashing off now, places to go, people to see, dishes to do when I get there!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Acknowledgments, Bibliography, and Edits, Oh My!

Yesterday I met with Nance to work some on Psychic Tarot. We have a little bit more of an idea of the process for the book (because we asked). The cover art for Psychic Tarot is tentatively set to include imagery from either the Shadowscapes or Mystic Dreamer decks. We also need to come up with an Acknowledgments page as well as a bibliography, and we're going through the book one last time for edits before the copy and content editors start their go-round with it. I'm very excited to see what they come up with for the cover.

I'm home sick today (last night was all about the very not fun and several pages of Sudoku, sleep by 4:30 AM, and wake up at noon), and have taken the opportunity to work more on edits/suggestions for my Uncle Mick's book, Riding the White Line, which talks about the experiences and especially the people he met doing his several bike tours for charity.

I'll also be working some on Psychic Tarot and hopefully taking another nap here (did I happen to mention that last night was all about the not fun?).

Hope everyone's feeling a lot better than me!


Friday, February 5, 2010


It's here! That's right, the beautiful, black, functional, bigger-than-our-livingroom-tv laptop is here! YAYAYAY!!! And Alan from Smartie Computers even managed to transfer my favorites from Explorer from the old laptop to the new one! YAYAAYAYAYAY!!!!

It's an HP Pavillion. I LOOOOVE it!!!!!

In other news, the "launch" meeting for Psychic Tarot (official title) was this last Tuesday. They have a cover concept that I am excited to see (they were going back and forth between two different Llewellyn/Lo Scarabeo decks), and as far as I know we're to have updates on the book back to them by May (which I can now work on because of the wonderful, wonderful laptop!).

No updates on Stock Cars yet. The first wave of the series (Full Throttle by Capstone) is on now. I'm sure Stock Cars will follow shortly with the 2nd wave.

I'm going to be teaching Creative Writing and Tarot (2 different classes) through Hastings Community Education starting this March. I'm very excited!

And, Shaula made her 50 by the 5th goal for the 2010 Hat Project!!! Way to go!!!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Return of Psychic Tarot

I tell you, being an author gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "hurry up and wait." Psychic Tarot (and I'm getting the sense that's going to be its official name) came back last week with edits that need to be done by May (very few, which I am optimistically attributing to Nance and my wonderful readers' groups catching the mistakes and confusing bits before we sent it off). The changes are actually mostly cosmetic, such as the name.

As for the wait, I am still waiting for my laptop (technology hates me) which should be arriving either today or tomorrow. Stock Cars edits were done at the Hastings Public Library. I think I will give them a copy.

And, as to writing and taxes, my wonderful tax lady Margie told me that they recommend setting aside 30% of writing profit for tax purposes to be safe.

In other news, I've been accepted to teach Creative Writing and Tarot for Beginners (2 different classes) through Hastings Community Education. We at the Blessings and Breathing Center, LLC decided we'd make public education part of our mission.

Hope that laptop comes soon! Lots to do!!!


Monday, January 11, 2010


Carrie said she liked my edits. I'm glad. I'm not sure if I see the layout again or not before it goes to press, but Stock Cars is definitely very close to being done.

No word yet on Tarot Within Sight, but I think its publish date is Spring 2011, so there are probably just a few people ahead of us in line.

Still no Pavillion. I seem to remember it taking about a month to get the Dell, but I'll check in at Smartie Computers anyway just to see what's going on (I think I'm now the crazy/hysterical lady with the red Dell who calls all the time. Just kidding, they're very understanding).

Tomorrow (or next week, depending), I get to go talk taxes with my CPA. Now that I get paid to write I need to *gulp!* figure out how much the FED wants from my labors! (For the uninitiated, publishers don't generally take taxes out of your payment/royalty checks. You have to try to figure out what to withhold on your own. I want to be ahead of the game. Royalties, which I will be making in 2011, can be especially tricky.)

In other news, Shaula's making all kinds of neat hats for the homeless! Check it out at the 2010 Hat Project (I think it might be linked to my blog somewhere).


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There and Back Again

I haven't posted in a while (mostly because there wasn't anything to post), but here is an update.

Last Thursday I got Stock Cars back in layout for final edits. I've added my 2 cents and sent it back to Carrie (who did a marvelous job with it, I must say!).

In other news, I am doing research on Graphic Novels for another possible Nance/Mel joint project.

The little red wonder finally died (limiting my internet access) over Christmas. My new HP Pavillion is coming in today. Smartie Computers is a GODSEND I recommend them to EVERYONE.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I know I did!
