Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Return of Psychic Tarot

I tell you, being an author gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "hurry up and wait." Psychic Tarot (and I'm getting the sense that's going to be its official name) came back last week with edits that need to be done by May (very few, which I am optimistically attributing to Nance and my wonderful readers' groups catching the mistakes and confusing bits before we sent it off). The changes are actually mostly cosmetic, such as the name.

As for the wait, I am still waiting for my laptop (technology hates me) which should be arriving either today or tomorrow. Stock Cars edits were done at the Hastings Public Library. I think I will give them a copy.

And, as to writing and taxes, my wonderful tax lady Margie told me that they recommend setting aside 30% of writing profit for tax purposes to be safe.

In other news, I've been accepted to teach Creative Writing and Tarot for Beginners (2 different classes) through Hastings Community Education. We at the Blessings and Breathing Center, LLC decided we'd make public education part of our mission.

Hope that laptop comes soon! Lots to do!!!


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