Monday, June 11, 2007

8 Random Things About Me

I actually saw this on Myspace once.

1. I'm the first person in my family to decide to take Spanish instead of German.

2. I'm going to be 30 when my youngest sibling enters kindergarten.

3. I am a chronic overdrafter.

4. I prefer stick shift to automatic and like to drive like I'm at the Grand Prix.

5. I actually do belong to a dance troup.

6. I'm allergic to some metals and plastics.

7. I've found three errors in the one book I've published (you think I'm going to tell you what they are? Fat chance!).

8. I'm a closet fan of sappy, badly done Hallmark fairytale movies.


1 comment:

Master Pink said...

I still think it is totally wierd that your dad is having another baby?!